Latest News
12-09-99 - I spoke with Ralph Greinke from Stencils & Stripes today, putting my name in the list for Monza Spyder decals, and started talks with him to perhaps make a run of MonzaMirage decals. Turns out Ralph has a NOS set he can use as templates, so it shouldnt be that hard a project to get done. I will keep every advised, but it wouldnt hurt to call and let him know first hand that there is a demand for these. Stencils and Stripes can be reached at (847)692-6893 or at   Please make sure to mention that you found him on

12-09-99 - First set of decals have arrived from scans/pics of them can be found here!

11-06-99 - Registry is up to 9 (and a half) listings... Help spread the word!

11-22-99 - website v1.0 up and running

11-20-99 - website registered and site development started

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